Nick's Priorities

Hello, Millbury! 

My name is Nick Lazzaro. I am a local business owner, student and former School Committee member running to be your next Selectman in Millbury! 

I am running to be a voice for our residents and small businesses as we enter a new point of inflection in our town's history. Now more than ever small business experience is needed on the Board as we navigate new challenges together. My top priorities include affordability, promoting on-ramps to homeownership, public safety, and small business development. 

I carry a degree from the College of the Holy Cross in Political Science and I am a current MBA Fellow at Boston College with almost 5 years of business experience. Together we can make Millbury an amazing place to live, work, and grow. 

I humbly ask for your support and vote on April 30, 2024! 

Nick on the Issues

Affordability. Now more than ever, families are on the brink. With rents and mortgages skyrocketing, we have an obligation to keep life-long Millbury residents in town. Young people are struggling to build their lives here, and our seniors are struggling to retire with dignity in town. Millbury is a desirable community to raise a family, start a new life, and retire, but many families fear being pushed out. We need thoughtful development that prioritizes existing homeowners and their property rights but also builds on-ramps to the middle class for our young people and our seniors. 

How can we do this? 

1. Re-evaluate our commercial and residential tax structure. Millbury is one of the few communities that does not make this distinguishment with property taxes. Communities like Auburn and Shrewsbury tax commercial and residential property differently, helping ease the burden on our seniors, and new families. Nick has experience with financial modeling, and capital budgeting and will work with the finance committee for their recommendation to combat our budget constraints. 

2. Promoting work programs for our retirees that allow for rebates on their property taxes. In West Boylston, seniors can work in schools, offices, and municipalities to earn additional rebates on their taxes. 

3. Nicholas will work diligently with our state partners, and advocate for tax relief programs, and prevent tax hikes on our small businesses. 

Promote Homeownership. The space left in Millbury is VERY limited and valuable. Nick will work to increase and diversify our tax base and include more opportunities for new families. Nick believes in preserving Millbury’s beautiful character and small town charm. 

Public Safety. Nick will work diligently to promote crime prevention strategies and local employment opportunities in the community to protect our youth and families. He has fostered and enhanced the relationship between our school resource officers and students for years in the Millbury Public Schools. Nick believes in the expansion of licensed clinical social workers to become a part of the police force, as piloted by neighboring communities.

Small Business Development. Nick is a small business owner, founding his first company at 18 years old. He believes that business education is key to a thriving community. Nick made great strides on the School Committee to implement innovation pathways for students interested in business. A part of a thriving community relies on the promotion and support of local businesses. Nick will work hard to improve pathways for new entrepreneurs, promote existing businesses, and continue revitalizing our downtown area while respecting our historic past. Nick will work cooperatively with the Redevelopment Authority and Cultural Council to ensure we all thrive and leave no one behind.